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Get Started on Your Family Tree

Leslie Ryan

Hello and welcome to the Who I Come From Genealogy Blog!

A recent survey by showed that more than half of Americans can't name all four grandparents. Is this true for you too? The 1950 census is being indexed so that more info can be gained about families in 1950. This info will be available for free from several internet sites as it becomes available!

While you wait for your state to be added to the databases, you could start with your own family. Ask your parents or aunts and uncles about their parents. Are your grandparents still alive? Lucky you! Ask them! Where did they live? When and where were they born? Did they have any brothers and sisters?

Talk about a great conversation starter if you should reach one of those awkward silences!

Below is a template you can download and print, for free, to get you started with a basic presentation of data for your family tree from

If you have any questions, or would like to get a free quote or estimate on help with your family tree, shoot me an email at

Happy hunting and good luck!


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