Genealogy Services
Family Researchers.
Puzzle Solvers.
How Can We Help You?
Who I Come From Genealogy Services is here to help you begin your family history exploration or to expand upon your existing research.
Got a DNA test kit you have no idea what to do with? We'd love to get you started.
Let's put your research and photos together to make a precious family book or keepsake!
Give us a call 972-898-8862 or drop us an email and let's chat!

With over three decades of genealogy research we have experience with digging up family roots with pre-internet techniques such as libraries and court houses, and expertise at sleuthing on the internet at traditional and non-traditional genealogy sites.
Genetic genealogy is helping people solve family mysteries going back generations. We can help you.
Help cleaning up or verifying your family tree (it's so easy to create duplicate individuals!).
Additional help with that brick wall.
Locating and getting copies of records.
Written reports can be as simple as a few pages with source citations to more complete keepsakes with family pictures, maps, and documents. We can also help with soft or hard cover books, posters, etc.
Provide web content for your site.
The Blog
Check our Blog for free research sites, tips on getting started on your family tree, genetic genealogy, and cultural and historical references that may help in your research.
"Your work and mad skills researching *C* made you the hero of Christmas!" RT in Wisconsin
"Cannot thank you enough. We had a few tidbits of information, but you really helped knit it all together and confirm a few things that were not verified." FM in Connecticut
"Leslie, Thank you so much for the info you provided. I was afraid he might have died....he was born where I grew up in Western New York...How he ended up in Detroit I have no clue. Anyway, you have a very Irish name and once again thank you. You are obviously a great researcher!" BQ in New York
"Thank you for showing me more fully who I am and where I come from, Leslie!" FC in Texas
My wife was "VERY HAPPY" with the information and the printed materials you provided. SV in Texas
Thank you so so much!! I greatly appreciate this! This best Christmas present I could give him. I will be getting with you soon to do my family as well. KMC in TX